destinations . 05 Jul 2017 . Hazel

Free things to do in Bauchi City

The northern parts of Nigeria is a great destination for those wishing to experience some true Nigerian culture and excitement. If you are touring Northern Nigeria, a visit to Bauchi would be excellent. From towering castles to mysterious archaeological sites, Bauchi offers some tourist gems and some real off-the-beaten-track locations. Bauchi is a simple city and has that genuine appeal because its people have the practically the same behavior. People come into the city from neighboring out-of-state towns of Kano, Abuja, and Kaduna to see the new things that?happen there apart from the cultural and religious issues. Bauchi State has a vast fertile soil and so has had a consistent advantage for cattle rearing and other agricultural products such as guinea corn, rice, millet, groundnut, and maize compared to other parts of Africa. Bauchi City has a number of things that opportunities for tourists. A visitor or a tourist would be thrilled by the lifestyle of the people of Bauchi. There are just as many expensive activities to partake in Bauchi, just as there are cheap and even free things to do. You could worry less if you are on a budget, as there are places to go and things to do to ensure an interesting time in Bauchi with just spending a little.  

Here Is A List Of Free Things To Do In Bauchi:

[caption id="attachment_3667" align="aligncenter" width="822"] Yankari Game Reserve[/caption]

Explore Nature at the Yankari Game Reserve

The Yankari Games Reserve is located in the north-eastern region of Nigeria and is referred to as the Best Park in Nigeria for spotting wildlife. The yardstick for measuring this is more based on the wide range of the animal life more than any other factor being the home to a variety of creatures including herds of buffaloes, waterbucks, and bushbucks as well as baboons, hippos, lions and a strong community of elephants. On the other hand, it is also the largest games reserve in Nigeria. With over 550 elephant population, this park has the largest elephant population in West Africa, among other fascinating animals and birds. However, sighting the animals is not so easy, as the vegetation in the area is quite dense. Which is unfortunate because this means other less interesting parks might turn out to be more engaging than Yankari. That being said the best time to come around and see the animals is a 3-month period between late February to late April. ?The park is also a fantastic location for bird watching. Yankari has become the most developed wildlife park in Nigeria with a lot of attractions for visitors with a wide variety of flora fauna. It was built in 1956 and then reinvented into a national park in 1991. This lush tribute to nature lies in Bauchi and is a lodestone to visitors from across the world looking to reconnect with Mother Nature in all her dashing splendor. Come for the beauty, stay for the breath-taking wildlife. Everybody is welcome. Take photos of and with wildlife!

Relax at the Wikki Warm Spring

[caption id="attachment_3672" align="aligncenter" width="877"] Bauchi Wikki Spring[/caption] The Wikki Warm Spring is located within the Yankari reserve and a park for all tourists to visit. The spring is one of the best features of Yankari. It is crystal-clear, disease free and naturally warm. The natural springs are the reason many tourists visit the reserve, and the springs park is usually lit up in the evenings for visitors to savor its freshness. It?s a wonderful experience to after a hot day of game-viewing relax in the warm water and just be. It is located near the park lodge and is about 200m long and 10m wide, containing crystal-clear water at a temperature of around 31 degrees Celsius- which is obviously higher than the average?temperature in the ?tropic.s. In the evenings the Baboons and elephants have a habit of coming down to the springs, you might want to lose out on seeing that if you happen to be in the Game Reserve at such a time, Accommodation is available at a hotel at the warm springs. Camping facilities are also available. Wikki Warm Spring?is the answer of Mother Nature to the cries of her children. At a constant temperature of 31?C, visitors are afforded the opportunity to relax in a tranquil environment while being serenaded by the sound of nature.

Take Pictures at the Museum

The Yankari National Park operates a museum of wildlife trophies at the Wikki Camp and it is stocked with trophies of wildlife parts such as skins, tusks, bones, horns and full mounts of some wildlife game species of the park, an art known as taxidermy. The museum not only serves an attraction but also as the wildlife conservation education center. Also, the relics of animals, hunting gears, and traps retrieved from poachers are displayed there. As a first time visitor, going with a High Definition camera to capture life at its simplest will turn out to be very rewarding.

Spend the Weekend at the Wikki Camp

Located about 42 kilometers from the main entrance gate, Wikki Camp is the tourist center of the park. The camp was built beside and named after the Wikki Warm Spring, which is open for swimming 24 hours a day. It has over 110 furnished chalets varying in size and quality, from the presidential suites to the youth hostel, all of which are being upgraded in phases. A weekend at the WikkiCampp would be fun as expected as you get to meet new people or Bauchi residents who are generally homely and at the enjoy a lovely time together.

Make a Stop at the Ancient Hills

[caption id="attachment_1152" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] One of The Ancient Hills Bauchi[/caption] There are over 10 ancient hills in Bauchi State, but the three most popular ones among them are the Kalban hill, Kariyo hill, and Paliyaram hill. Paliyaram Hill is a popular camp for poachers, located 10 km from Wikki, the Kalban Hill is flat-topped hill gives tourists a complete view of the park and the Kariyo Hill is Located near the Marshal caves is a beautiful picnic ground. Some of these hills are located within or close to Yankari Games Reserve and they present a scenic view of the park for as far as the eyes can see.  

Go see the tomb of Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa

This grand edifice contains the remains of Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, the first Prime Minister of newly independent Nigeria. This tomb was built as a monument to the man who was often referred to as the Golden Voice of Africa. This architectural masterpiece, befitting of the former and pioneering leader of Nigeria, is breathtaking, to say the least. The gigantic walls tower up to 17ft, enclosing a modest marble structure which is the grave of the former leader. The most common visitors are the tourists and are most usually welcomed.

Have a nice time at the Bauchi Polo Club

Finally in Bauchi polo enthusiasts will pour out in the afternoons in Bauchi state and duke it out with each other till the sun goes down . This venue attracts polo players and spectators alike. It hosts various tournaments all year round, with regular competitions with other polo clubs around the country. Long established as one of the premier tourist attractions in the country and beyond, polo has been played here for decades now. The polo ground is surrounded by hills and rocks that are as amazing insights as it is relaxing. Most visitors at the Bauchi Polo Club are the Polo players, if you happen to be a good player or enjoy watching polo games, it would be nice to make a stop at the club.  

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